Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back-Probe Bench Test


Basically carefully taking a needle and sliding it between the wire and the connector so as to not damage the weather proofing until it contacts the metal part of the connection without piercing the insulation then using this as a place to take a voltage reading. 

Turn the multimeter on and put the setting to it would read Ohms (resistance)
O/L : is the result when the leads not in contact with each other ,O/L stands for over load which confirms that we have an open circuit and the resistance between the leads are too high for our multimeter to show hence O/L.

Obtaining Ohms reading with leads connected.
0.5 Ohms which tells us the internal reasistance of the Ohms meter and the leads... we need to take this resistance out of any resistance we measure with this meter so we could have an accurate reading .

I used a plug which had one side of the plug and the wire still attached so I back probed the plug and measured the resistance from the plug to the end of the wire which was 1 ohms
so 1. -0.4(internal resistance)= 0.5 ohms which is the correct resistance readings

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